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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪmzmənˌʃɪp] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪmzmən.ʃɪp]





1.比赛的战术;比赛策略the ability to win games by making your opponent less confident and using rules to your advantage


n.1.a way of increasing your chances of success against an opponent by doing things to make your opponent lose confidence

1.搅乱战术 91. offender 犯规队员 92. shielded pety trick;gamesmanship 小动作 93. act on the sly 耍小动作 ...

3.不犯规的方法 ... gamesman 以诈取胜 gamesmanship 不犯规的方法 gamesome 戏弄的 ...

4.制胜绝招 give folks a sense of security 让大众有安全感 gamesmanship 搅乱战术;制胜绝招 political gamesmanship 政治制胜绝招 ...



1.Hope that the United States will abandon the Cold War mentality, not in Hongkong to engage in political gamesmanship.希望美方摒弃冷战思维,不在香港搞政治上的小动作。

2.Gamesmanship is practiced in golf more freely than in any other sport.高尔夫球赛中的小动作表现得比其他任何项目都多。

3.Faced with such diplomatic gamesmanship, some greens may now hope that an asteroid-type warning appears on the radar screen.面对这样的外交策略,一些绿色团体现在希望一种小行星来袭式的警告能够显现在雷达屏幕上。

4.There is a vast amount of politics, gossip, gamesmanship , time wasting and socializing that goes on in the name of work.大量的政策、闲谈、花招、时间浪费以及社交都已工作的名义存在。

5.But Megson believes the Reds' Brazilian midfielder was guilty of gamesmanship and claimed it changed the game.但是梅格森认为利物浦的巴西中场任用这种不君子的手段而导致比赛战绩的变化。

6.It's an exercise in sadistic conversational gamesmanship.这是虐待狂式交谈伎俩的一次小演习。

7.There is also fear that his altruism may be motivated by calculated gamesmanship.还有人担心,安巴尼的利他行为可能是精心设计的花招。

8.If you like courtroom drama, legal sparring, gamesmanship, and puzzles, Haller's tactics will certainly hold your attention.如果你喜欢法庭戏剧,庭审辩论,小机巧和智力难题,哈勒的策略肯定会吸引你的注意。
